Chatenooga World of Wheels

The Chattanooga, TN O’Reilly Auto Parts World of Wheels will be widely advertised in radio, television and print media. You and your company can capitalize on this huge media blitz with a booth in this year’s event.

The O’Reilly Auto Parts World of Wheels offers a distinctly different way of reaching potential customers by bringing a total of over 30,000 car enthusiasts right in front of your booth over a three day period to see your products. In today’s economic climate, what other advertising medium offers you the opportunity to meet thousands of potential customers, face to face?

About Student Career Day

The Chattanooga, TN O’Reilly Auto Parts World of Wheels is proud to host its 19th Annual Student Career Day at the Chattanooga Convention Center on Friday, January 5, 2024.

The O’Reilly auto Parts World of Wheels is committed to the future by holding these annual Educational Days where students and instructors enjoy & learn more about the aftermarket hot rod industry.

The Student Day Program will begin at 10:00 AM with a Welcome Reception that will last about 45 minutes.

The reception will feature guest speakers; Leaders in their automotive fields who share their passion of the industry. There will also be drawings for prizes and giveaways.

Following the session, students will be allowed to enter the show before it opens to the public. They will have the opportunity to speak with car owners and builders as they finish preparing their vehicles and displays for the show. They will also be able to participate in several interactive exhibits and talk to representatives from area colleges and tech schools. Scholarship opportunities are also available from many of these schools.

Students & instructors can try out the SimSpray VR Paint simulator at this year’s Student Career Day!

Chattanooga State Community College in partnership with Byrd’s Automotive are supporting the World of Wheels events with the SimSpray VR Paint Simulator! This awesome, state of the art virtual reality simulator uses augmented reality technology to improve the efficiency and economy of classroom education for beginner and intermediate level students.

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