Springfield Ohio Swap Meet Car Show

Come on out to the finest series of automotive swap meets in the Midwest! The CARS & PARTS SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW events will happen 3 times in 2024, and we now believe that our Spring event on Memorial Day Weekend is the largest event of its kind in the entire region, with over 700 Cars-For-Sale in the car corral, plus hundreds and hundreds of vendor spaces sold. Our fall swap meet on Labor Day Weekend is also huge, and a great deal of fun for the entire family. The one-dayWinter event in February gives serious enthusiasts the first dose of automotive swap meet good times each season.

Friday & Saturday: 7AM – 6PM
Sunday: 7AM – 3PM


Like everyone, we’re looking forward to a MUCH better year in 2024! Thanks for all your patience and understanding, as we work so hard to maintain these events

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